Update to Synthesis 101

We now have a total of 3 lessons on creating sounds. Lesson 1 – The First Sound – “Hello World” of Sound Programming Lesson 2 – Oscillators Lesson 3 – Filters We will be creating additional lessons on Amplifiers, Envelope Generators, LFOs, Function Generators, and more. Stay tuned!

Coming Soon – Video Posts and Vlogs

We are still experimenting with the best way to present our tips and tricks for some of the solutions of the most frequently or in some case least frequent but relevant questions we want to share with everyone.  Many cases, words are fine, but we are at a point that we will begin recording screen capture videos to post or […]

ProTools 12.7 Released

It took some time for me to consider upgrading, with the issues I have had in the past with ProTools and El Capitan.  Even at ProTools 12.6, I only loaded it on my test (non-production) system as I did not want to impact any production deadlines due to some issue with my software. At any rate, I have successfully upgraded […]

Where did 2016 go? Welcome 2017!

I have been swamped with much to do about so many things, I have been neglecting, procrastinating (add other verbs to postpone action) to post more frequently.  And now it is 2017!  One of my very few resolution is to update here at least once a week.  Eventually, that goal should be once a day. 2016 was an interesting year […]